We aim to give your child the best possible start to their school life.
Like all providers of Nursery education, we work to the curriculum guidance provided in the Foundation Stage. This is documentation that the Government has produced to ensure that children shall reach certain goals by the end of their first year in Reception (that is, the year they have been 5 years old). We provide a large range of activities planned carefully to deliver experiences and skills that children need in their early years.
We carefully assess children during their time with us, and regularly review their progress to ensure that our planned activities are meeting their needs. Sometimes children will need to repeat the same activities often-sometimes they may have little interest in some activities at all. It is our job to try to ensure that all children try all activities and get the most out of their time with us.
What to expect, when?
Guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage.
What to expect, when? – A Parents Guide
Typical Activities
So, what are the children actually doing to get the experiences they need?
Playing with containers in sand and water; beanbag numbers game; jigsaws; lotto; dominoes; counting songs and rhymes…
Communication, Language & Literacy:
Listening to stories; talking about their interests; imaginative play, writing lists, filling in forms, using the computers…(we now have iPads, whiteboards, digital projectors and programmable mini-bots to give young children the earliest introduction into the information world of the 21st Century)
Knowledge and Understanding of the World:
Looking at plants, planting seeds and bulbs; watching butterflies hatch; playing and building with materials; talking about home, holidays, families; playing with road safety equipment; talking to visitors to the nursery-police, paramedics, nurses, fire and rescue…
Painting with pre-mixed paints, watercolour blocks, dry paint mixes, making prints with sponges, vegetables, rollers, marbles, bubbles… Singing, playing instruments, dancing and moving to music…
Fine motor activities such as modelling with playdough, clay, foam, junk materials; cutting, writing and drawing, building with various blocks and construction sets…gross motor activities-climbing frames, slides, swings, PE with small equipment such as balls, beanbags, hoops, balance bars…
Personal, Social, Moral and Cultural:
Stories that model good behaviour, showing respect for others, and self-control; valuing their culture with Christmas, Easter and birthday celebrations; valuing other cultures such as Islamic and Hindu celebrations, the Chinese New Year, trying food from different counties, listening to music from many lands…
Good early years teaching is about starting where the child is, and building on from there.
We won’t teach your child to read, we won’t teach your child to write, we won’t teach your child to do sums!
But what we will do is prepare them with the skills and experiences they need to support their learning now and when they get into Reception class… good, professional early years practice, based on starting from where your child is now, designed to reach the Early Years Goals.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Aclet Close Nursery School we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers. The Curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development.
For further information please view the SEND Information Report.