Exciting and important news!
Stay connected using ClassDojo
We have been researching ways we can communicate with our families more effectively and lots of schools are using Class Dojo as an online platform.
We will use it to share good news with you, for example, letting you know when your child has persevered, worked in a team or helped others.
We will also be using it as a way of communicating with one another; instantly sharing messages, updates, events, and photos from Nursery. It’s simple and secure, and gives you an opportunity to see into your little one’s school day!
It will be our preferred method of ‘remote learning’, replacing paper based learning packs when your child can’t come to school.
You can use it on any device. It is a simple, free mobile app for iOS and Android, and can also be accessed from your computer at classdojo.com.
Please sign up for a parent account on ClassDojo when you receive your invite from us by text message on your phone.
Please get in contact if you would like any further information or access the following website to find out more about why we’re excited to use ClassDojo, and how it is safe and simple: