April 2015 – April 2016
The purpose of Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) funding is to help ‘close the gap’ between the lowest achieving children and those who are making appropriate progress or above.
The Government allocates extra money per pupil directly to the school when families meet certain criteria relating to household income. Research has shown that these children are more likely to under achieve, therefore the EYPP is specifically used to make sure they reach their full potential in Early Years.
Schools are required to explain how funding is spent and the impact on this group of children’s progress.
Aclet Close Nursery School ensures that provision is made to secure outstanding teaching and learning opportunities which meet the needs of all children. We actively strive to remove any potential barriers to learning and our ethos is one of highly inclusive practice.
How are we using our EYPP funding?
Our on entry data shows that many of our children, including those from the EYPP group, start Nursery with lower than expected Communication and Language skills. Not being able to communicate effectively can impact negatively on a child’s well-being and self-esteem as well as all other areas of learning; therefore we feel that focusing on accelerating children’s attainment in this area is of paramount importance.
The school received approximately £1600 of funding.
£1200 was allocated to the employment of a Speech and Language Therapist to work with targeted children. Key workers noted significant impact on the children’s confidence.
Governors recognise the impact a healthy and nutritious meal can have on a child’s brain and development, therefore the remaining £400 of funding was allocated to subsidising school lunches.