I have been a Parent Governor at Aclet Close Nursery School since March 2016. I have two young girls, Izabella who started her journey in the 2 year old room in January 2016 and has made the natural progression into the 3/4 year old setting with great ease thanks to her teachers; Alexis is also very eager to start her learning journey at the Nursery.
Since having my children, I have taken a real interest in child development and learning. I try to read / investigate as much as possible about all aspects. I believe that parent involvement in children’s education has a major impact on children’s educational achievement and this was an influential factor on my decision to become a Parent Governor. I support my local Sure Start centre where and when possible by attending their courses and just recently I have become a member of the centre’s Advisory Board.
In my spare time I enjoy taking my children on adventures, mainly outside or organising fun activities for the children of my friends when we have get together.
My professional background is in business where I hold a business degree. My husband and I also had our own restaurant for 7 years in York, so I will be using my business skills to support the nursery where I can.
I am looking forward to supporting the Head Teacher, staff and Governors to continue the high level of excellence the school already holds.